Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Reflections on Thy Strong Word (verse 3)

God’s Word was active and powerful at creation, cleaving the darkness.  God’s Word was active and powerful at the dawn of the new creation, breaking the light of salvation into a world made dark by sin and death.  God’s Word is active and powerful right now, bringing light into our darkened hearts, breathing into those under the power of death God’s life-giving breath. 

“Thy strong Word bespeaks us righteous; bright with Thine own holiness, glorious now, we press toward glory, and our lives our hopes confess.  Alleluia, alleluia!  Praise to Thee who light dost send!  Alleluia, alleluia!  Alleluia without end!” 

God’s Word is powerful, it is performative, it is different from any created Word.  God’s Word does what it says.  God speaks, and it happens.  This Word goes forth into this world from the pages of the Scriptures, from the mouths of Christians in their day-to-day lives, and from the broken and sinful lips of pastors in chancels and pulpits throughout the world.  God speaks His Word through these His instruments, and it happens.  God’s Word does what it says.  Thy strong Word bespeaks us righteous.  Through speaking, sinful, dead people are made righteous and holy, living members of God Himself.  Thy strong Word bespeaks us righteous; the Word declares that we are righteous through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, and we are righteous, for God’s Word does what it says.  Thy strong Word has that power because it is the same Word that took flesh and suffered death for your salvation.  The Word which accomplished salvation now applies salvation to you.  The righteous are glorious even now; you shine with the Light that broke into this world of darkness, you shine with the Light that broke into the darkness of your heart.  You cannot see the glory that you posses, but you have it, for God’s Word has declared it to you; the same Word that brought light in the darkness, the same Word that became flesh and bore your sin to the cross.  We press toward the glory to be revealed with the assurance that it is already ours, now and for eternity.

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